Monday, 17 February 2020

Matrimonial Zealot detectives Bangalore| Social Effects of Divorce| private detectives in Bangalore| Matrimonial detectives in Bangalore|

Social Effects of Divorce:

     Divorce is a technical word commonly heard in marriage separations. Today, let us understand about divorce in India and its present Social Effects caused by Divorce.

divorce is a legal action between married people to terminate their marriage relationship. It can be referred to as dissolution of marriage and is basically, the legal action that ends the marriage before the death of either spouse.

  India is a multi-linguistic,multi-cultural country, We are charm in the eyes of this world, who admires our unity in diversity. The other beauty of India is our family culture and its heritage. And the third beauty of India is Indian women,who formed to be the backbone of this nation, on who's perseverance every Indian families remembers,our mothers cares and toil in keeping our families united and survived for her children.Today India remembers her as our motherland. She is the real reason for our existence by numbers, values, and she didn't express a word of remorse when hardship,persecution,suppression strike her. Then or those days Divorce was very little known in India and was very unpopular.

  Today's India is a independent India and as we travel down to our present time,we see a wide change in our women of our society. Even after 70 years of our independence India failed to liberate Indians from Casteism, religious myths, superstition, corruption, etc. Today's women is educated works equally like men but our legal system dint forgo the old laws compiled in our legal system even after changes,and equality became a challenge than neutrality.

    Divorce was a very uneasy word among our past Indians lives. But these days changes are inevitable as individual need, comforts become our choice. The challenges of inequality became like hunting trophies in legal grounds. Fair or unfair  divorce made its face clear and strong in large numbers.

   Challenges of individuals who are divorced have some mixed reactions. Some tents to be happy after divorce and some grumble at every stones of their life. The damage is only seen majorly in the kids who are born to those divorced and the multitude in some is a grave mistake. Right from the up bringing, from a child to a adulthood of a single parent who is at war with other biological parent, things are not normal for these children. They are often put to test on parameters like loyalty,emotions on care, acknowledging welfare,who's side you are on, etc 

    The other challenges affecting the divorced families are Upbringing of children from discriminating society,and this is cause of the wrong stigma on divorces. Indian society is not completely open in welcoming divorces, hence, people think on second marriage and some times when courts challenges force them in hiding the Martial status and going on with Martial new engagements becomes a challenge. 

  We in our service bring about rescue to the people who are in challenges in proving facts as evidences the court of law, and earn own justice. Follow us to know more 

Thursday, 9 April 2015

CrossFort: Defence Equipments

Short essay on Drug Addiction among Youth

This short essay contains an Introduction, Causes, Solution and Treatment of Drug Addition.

Drug Addiction

Introduction: The term ‘drug’ has now been given a new connotation. It was used originally to means ‘medicine’. But now-a-days it means not only medicine, but also the fatal narcotics that include cocaine, heroin, brown sugar, and many other specifications. All these drugs have their evil effects on the mind and body cells of the addicts. The young generation are the worst victims of evils of Drug Addiction.
What is Drug Addiction? Drug Addiction is a brain disease. The addict becomes dependent on drug and uses it, despite having knowledge of its harmful effects on health. It is considered a brain disease because it changes the structure and functioning of the brain.

Causes of Drug Addiction among Youth:

The reasons why a young person gets addicted to these harmful drugs are many.
Curiosities, spiritual search, desire for pleasure, social excommunication, mental gap, lack of self-reliance are some of the reasons why these youth becomes a drug-addict.
Lack of self-confidence, that is inferiority complex, has been marked as cause of one’s becoming a drug addict.
The problem of drug addiction is all the more serious because the addicts are mostly young school or college going boys and girls, the future citizens of a country, on whom will depend in future its welfare and the welfare of its people. So it is imperative to see that such young boys and girls may be no means fall victims to drug addiction.

Solution for Drug Addiction:

Rehabilitation of the young drug-addicts is a major social problem.
The need of raising the level of consciousness of self through proper education has been suggested as a proper step.
Those who thus become able to overcome their addiction can tutor other young addicts.
The need of forming a healthy environment where the needs of these youth can be met is equally important.
The places that grow cocoa, opium etc. should be brought under vigilance.
International projects should be taken to prohibit manufacturing of such harmful drugs

Treatment of Drug Addiction:

Treatment of the drug-addicts can be done through different medical processes. When a patient is made to give up his addiction, he suffers from several physical troubles. If he is treated through the method of detoxification by a gradual process he regains his normalcy gradually. When detoxification is completed, psychiatric treatment of the patient is to be started.
The members of his family should be advised how to behave with the patient. In fact the help and co-operation of the same elements of the society is essential for the rehabilitation of the drug addicts in society. They should take the solemn vow of uniting for a drug-free world.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Matrimonial Investigations Bangalore

            Leo Investigation is a Bangalore based private investigation agency. Welcome to the world of reel-facts vs real-facts.  Investigation is an art to understand a subject. And a subject can be any thing living or non-living, incidents of past, present and future, biased presentation of any matter as a materiel or of a incident or of an accident or any thing that is the matter of vested interest or a family's interest or community's interest or a society's interest.

           The reel-facts image of a private investigator is  what you see in movies, serial show and in many show-business is a man in dark smoky image with a gun having super human abilities.
           The real-facts image of a private investigator is hard ship with lot of sacrifices to comforts, fights
and strive to fight the fear factors, risk his life and holds good his faith and toil to satisfy the ones who assigned him. May be bare men do not understand what i meant? Experience this, you will agree with

             The art of  penetrating into such matters with some distinctive strategic approach and the "state of art" in forensic science is known as Investigation. In India the Government agencies owns most of the "state of art" in forensic science capabilities with great capacities to unearth the fact of matters,of  interests.

           Private investigations in India so for is not given legal approval yet.   

          But then, the state of art of investigations is every man's and woman's need, the need, i.e, the need
 in crisis. This is not  constraint only for rich, educated, but for all classes of society for rich and poor for educated  and uneducated every feels the heat for this at needy times of crisis in social life with friends, neighbors, parental guidance, parental issues,  Juvenile or teen issues, marriage, cheating, breach of trust,
missing, run away, absconding debtors, civil litigation issues, unending conflicts, family dispute,verification.

         we in private investigation have expertise in this area through us to know more on

       E.NIXON on  Mob +91 9739075425           or 

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